Shelter for Astrotourism on Mount Paraska 

 During the russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, senior sea-scout and member of plast kurin Chornomotsi Taras Havrylyshyn has been killed on November 1st, 2022, while performing his duty in the Kherson region. This project intends to carry out his dream and last request


Taras-Tymofii Havrylyshyn, also known by the nicknames "TeTe", Iceberg" and "Harry" was a member of the 45th independent artillery brigade who was killed while helping to free Kherson Oblast (Region) from russian invaders. Posthumously, he received the Iron Cross Award and the Ukrainian Navy Forces of Ukraine Award. Long-time scout leader, sea scout leader, shipbuilder, sailor, astronomer and navigation instructor. He worked on constructing mountain paths and was a Carpathian tour guide. See more here

 The "Chornomortsi" and "Chornomorski Khvyli" sea scouting troops embody his last wish to build a mountain shelter on Mount Paraska (Skolivski Beskydy, Lviv region) that is accessible to passing tourists 

About the project 


This idea inspires us to implement a big and important project! The construction of mountain shelter on Mount Paraska realizes the dream and last request of Taras Havrylyshyn and reminds us of his values, which we should strive for our lives. We want to create this shelter to help people to be self-charged and live the life they want - free and bright and to convey our Hero's love and admiration for the starry sky.

And also our shelter will become a wonderful space for the development of astronomical tourism in the Skolivskyy Beskids! Everybody will be able to explore the starry sky on mountain meadows thanks to the collaboration with the Lviv Astronomical Society , with whom we are beginning the execution of the "Dark Sky Park" concept. 

Taras' idea inspires us, and we invite you to join us on this exiting journey, where we combine the beauty of the mountains, the starry sky and free life!


How can you help? 

 Help raise funds for materials and other project costs 

To implement the project, we must raise at least 920 000 UAH. Read more about the expenses in the project description here. 

We publish all financial reports on the website and social networks of Sea scouting. 

Details of our accounts: Specify - "charitable contribution"

Privatbank: NGO "Zaloga "Chornomortsi""\ Code: 42596401



IBAN: UA 38 3052 9900 0002 6002 0310 2917 0

Monobank: 5375 4112 0564 3302






pay pal:

To offer support in another way

 By helping with materials or volunteering, you can significantly reduce the costs of implementing the project. What we need:

 - materials for shelter construction (boards, windows, doors, insulation, roof etc.);

- assistance with logistics and material movement to the top (fuel, vehicles, volunteers etc.):

- help with logistics and transportation of the materials;

- direct construction of the shelter:

- care for the shelter after its installation:

- information support and fundraising.

If you want to help in one way or another, please fill out the form (in Ukrainian) or use our contacts (English). 

Total amount received 

1 111 337   UAH

from what is neccesary 

1 079 855 UAH

Due to: 16.06.2024

We are supported by:

Memories of Taras Havrylyshyn:


Taras Sadovyy 

I knew Taras both as a scout from the Chornomotsi troop, in his daily work, and as a military comrade. We joined the military together and were assigned to the same brigade on the first day of the full-scale invasion. As our artillery division was formed, we were tasked with teaching everyone cartography, which TT knew very well. While moving through the de-occupied Kherson region, Taras guided our unit through mine maps without causing any casualties. And he handled it perfectly. It is challenging to acknowledge that my friend is gone, and it is much more difficult to realize that I was there with him in the last hours of his life as a defender, scout, supporter, and devoted son who always thought of his mother and sister.

Comrade-in-arms, member of the "Chornomortsi"


Myron Humynetskyy

TT's friend, with whom we were scouts, went on far and near trips on Cossack's "Seagull" ship, built and repaired boats, worked together and had many plans for the future... We dreamed together about new trips on seagulls ships, about the restoration of the yacht "Shkval"... I can say that this man was always distinguished by considerable meticulousness in his work, he had a keen sense of honour and justice, and he had no equal in self-gratification. He loved the mountains, the sea and Ukraine; he gave the most valuable things to him.


Captain of the Cossack's Seagull, shipbuilder, sailor, member of Chornomortsi


Anna Veselova

Taras was my Don Quixote, and I was his Sancho Panso... I want to compare him with some explorer, but no one is worthy but him because, in addition to his thirst for adventure, he had Honor and Dignity... He learned Esperanto and danced the tango, he wasn't on social media, but he was more social than most who are on it. He didn't have company wherever he was not called. I'll NEVER forget our dances at the Pogulianka when we were learning to dance before the Ball, when he gave me an edelweiss in epoxy, his Black Sea coin, how he sewed a notebook for me from my mother's old bag, how he sang at my wedding... he was a real Don Quixote and my main adviser on all issues.


Friend, groupmate


Taras Chaus

This person was incredible. You could write books about him. My friends and I liked to invite him to visit us and sit like little children next to our grandfather. He would tell us about his funny stories, how he travels around the world, his adventures in the Andes, his adventures with Peruvian border guards, and how he spent the night in France and met people. We just listened, laughed heartily and admired this incredible person...

Comrade-in-arms, university groupmate, together went hiking


Yuliya Hvozdovych 

We had a common youth, which started with my first sea scout camp in 2002. A unique man, a flint, "The last hero", the leader of sea scouts, kind and positive, my dear friend. I will never forget his "Palundra", stories about spending the night "under the starry sky" in Gorgany with wolves, our sea scout team 1474, our Dniester and its unique talent of self-recharge...

friend, scout member of Chornomoski Khvyli


Lyubov Tsop  


Our TT liked to travel by sea... I remember when I came to him in October 2022 for a position, he said "LIUBA, you're a mariner, so you have to know how to navigate by the sky". And the sky over the Kherson region was full of stars at that time... since you need to know how to orient yourself in the sea, he taught you how to lay a route under the night sky. Probably the last time...

friend, scout member of Chornomoski Khvyli

Photo and other reports on the progres of projects' implementation


If you have more ideas or you need more information, please contact: 

coordinator of the project - Yuliya Hvozdovych, senior scout Chornomorski Khvyli

+38 (093) 46-251-46


Sea scouting in Ukraine: 
